Strictly Confidential

To Whom It May Concern,


This legal notice serves as a formidable warning to any individual, group, or entity contemplating unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of our protected materials, including but not limited to our name, logo, designs, and any other forms of intellectual property owned by WOLF OF SINS.

Be advised that WOLF OF SINS holds the exclusive rights to its intellectual property, secured under international copyright laws and relevant domestic legislation. These rights are vigorously enforced and protected.

Legal Ramifications:

  1. Infringement Liability: Any unauthorized use of our intellectual property will be considered a direct violation of our rights and will result in immediate legal action. Infringers will be held liable for all damages, losses, and profits derived from the unauthorized use, as well as potential statutory damages.

  2. Criminal Offenses: Depending on the severity and nature of the infringement, criminal charges may also be pursued, which can include hefty fines and imprisonment.

  3. Cease and Desist: A formal demand to immediately cease all unauthorized activities involving our intellectual property will be issued. Failure to comply will result in swift and decisive legal action.

Warning: This notice serves as a stern warning against any attempts to infringe upon our intellectual property. We have a zero-tolerance policy and are committed to taking all necessary legal steps to safeguard our rights.

Your understanding and compliance with these terms are expected. Ignorance of this notice does not exempt one from legal accountability.

